Great chances to earn good money as an affiliate
Do you want to earn an extra 10,000 SEK per month? 307 clicks in the insurance category gets you there according to our data. Make sure to build a dedicated follower base and you'll be able to avoid staff meetings and controlling managers. You build a channel around something you love and are passionate about and good affiliate networks like Addrevenue give you the opportunity to make money from it.You earn the most as an affiliate in insurance and health and beauty
When you have just become affiliate on a network it is difficult to know what you can expect to earn. But using Addrevenue's fresh data from existing affiliates, you can actually get your question answered. The list is updated daily at 04:00 CET, so you can always trust that the numbers are up to date. Our affiliates currently receive the highest EPC, which means Earnings Per Click, in the insurance category, SEK 32,62. If your channel manages to generate 100,000 clicks in the insurance category, you can expect an income of SEK 3,261,999. Because affiliate marketing is also completely scalable, there really is no upper limit. If you get 200,000 clicks a month, you can earn SEK 6,523,988 - a month.
Even the affiliates operating in health and beauty have a high profit per click, SEK 12.97. Ten thousand clicks therefore give an income of SEK 129,700.
Media and telecom as well as construction and gardening have EPC over SEK 11
Media and Telecom and building and gardening are other profitable areas - both have EPC of over SEK 11. Here, too, you get a million SEK in income if your channel generates 100,000 clicks. Of course, this applies regardless of the time period. 100,000 clicks in a year makes 1,100,000 a year, but if your channel grows enough, maybe you can get 100,000 clicks in six months? Remember, affiliate marketing is scalable, there is no upper limit to how much you can earn.
Many categories have EPC around SEK 3-4
Most categories have an EPC around SEK 3-4. Food and drink is in the lower range while pets and home and interior are higher . A thousand clicks a month in the pets category still gives just over four thousand SEK in extra monthly income. Maybe affiliate marketing is therefore the perfect extra job? You can work when it suits you and regardless of where you are. As your account generates more engagement and gets more followers, you can also expect more clicks - and thus higher earnings.
Do you want to earn SEK 10,000 or 100,000 per month?
Do you want to earn an extra SEK 10,000 per month? 754 clicks in the insurance category solves it. Do you work with health and beauty and want to earn SEK 100,000 per month and be able to resign from your employment ? Make sure to build a follower base that gives you 7,710 clicks per month and you will have SEK 100,000 per month - and you will avoid staff meetings and controlling managers. You build a channel around something you love and are passionate about and great affiliate networks like Addrevenue give you the opportunity to make money from it. If your channel grows enough, you can also earn large sums and at the same time design the rest of your life as you wish. You can work from the beach or from the ski slope, affiliate marketing is time and location independent and is perfect for digital nomads.
Addrevenue's best advertisers
Would you like to specifically target the advertisers who have given the highest EPC in recent months? Here is the list of the ten advertisers with the highest EPC:
To see all our advertisers on Addrevenue, you can create a free affiliate account, which only takes a minute. Are you a new affiliate? Don't miss our guide on how to avoid the most common beginner's mistakes. If you are an advertiser who wants to start affiliate marketing with us, you can create an advertiser account.
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