About us

It was a cold December day in 2021 when Heimar called Peter. They had known each other for a long time, but this time the conversation was different. Heimar had a vision – an idea that could improve and humanize affiliate marketing. With his background as a digital marketing manager and CEO, and experience in affiliate marketing, he saw the potential in creating a more fair and relationship-based business model. Peter, with his 25 years as a developer and experience running successful companies in both sales and IT, listened carefully. He quickly realized that this was something they could do together.

During the coming months, Heimar and Peter worked tirelessly. Their days were filled with intense coding and their nights with long discussions about how to realize their vision. On March 1, 2022, after just a few months, they opened the doors to their new platform, Addrevenue.

🤝 Powerful and fair business model

The business idea behind Addrevenue is simple but powerful. The model is based on fairness and performance, but with a strong focus on human relationships. Advertisers choose their own commission levels, adapted to their margins and conditions, and publishers are paid only when a purchase is made. This creates a win-win situation where all parties can grow and develop together, in a fair and relationship-based environment.

📈 An incredible journey

Addrevenue has had an incredible journey thus far. And, in just a few months, there were over 100 registered advertisers on the platform. They worked hard to streamline and automate processes, to free up time for what really matters – the human interaction and relationship.
The success continues and at the time of writing Addrevenue has over 500 active advertisers and 2500 affiliates, who create business to the tune of hundreds of millions in 30 countries each year.

The idea for Addrevenue is born when Heimar excitedly calls Peter and says "Now we have the idea we’ve been waiting for, this can be big!"
Addrevenue launches in Sweden
June 2022
100 advertisers have now joined the platform
August 2022
Addrevenue launches in all EU countries
January 2023
500 active affiliates are now on the platform
June 2023
Over 2 million SEK/month in commissions to affiliates
August 2023
Addrevenue launches in the remaining countries in Europe
November 2023
300 advertisers have now joined the platform
December 2023
2000 active affiliates are now on the platform
January 2024
Addrevenue launches in the USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand
March 2024
Addrevenue’s advertisers now receive transactions via affiliates in 25 markets
July 2024
Addrevenue reaches 500 active advertisers on the platform
The story continues...

Addrevenue's success is the result of their passion, ambition and determination. Together with the team, Heimar and Peter have created a platform and a network that not only meets, but exceeds, the expectations of every advertiser and affiliate. This is proof that with the right vision and hard work you really can make a difference in the industry.


And it all started with a phone call between friends on a cold December day...


Heimar Svensson
Grundare & VD


Peter Larsson
Grundare & CTO




🚀 Join us!

Do you want to join us on this ambitious journey? We’re attracted to talent in whatever shape or form it takes. So feel free to send a spontaneous application to info@addrevenue.io if you feel ready to join a project filled with more joy and ambition than you’ve (probably) ever experienced before. If you have previous work experience in affiliate marketing, that’s obviously a plus, but not a must.

Available jobs

