The importance of building an email list for your affiliate marketing business

Blog / Affiliate / The importance of building an email list for your affiliate marketing business
Written by Helena Svensson
Published 26 Apr 2023Updated 6 Dec 2023
Welcome to our guide on how to build an effective email list for your affiliate marketing business. As an affiliate marketer, an engaged and relevant email list is one of the most valuable assets you can have. It is a cost-effective and long-term strategy for you to be able to communicate with and create value for your subscribers and - by extension - maximize your sales opportunities. In this article we will explore the importance of building an email list as an affiliate and give you practical tips and strategies on how to succeed in email marketing. Read on to learn how you can take advantage of this powerful tool to increase your affiliate marketing success.

Why you should build an email list as an affiliate

Building an email list is an important strategy for you as an affiliate marketer. It gives you the opportunity to build and really deepen the relationship with your target audience. It becomes a basically free marketing channel and unlike a social media feed, you don't just scroll past your emails. Most people actually look at every single headline and spend more time actually consuming the content.

Key messages in the article:

  • A mailing list is an invaluable resource for you as an affiliate
  • A mailing list helps you build a loyal and engaged audience
  • You can use the mailing list to promote your products and services
  • A mailing list gives you the opportunity to build strong relationships with your subscribers
  • With an email list, you gain control over your marketing and reduce dependence on external platforms

Affiliate marketing is a popular and profitable business model that involves marketing other people's products or services in exchange for commissions. One of the most important and effective marketing tools for affiliate marketing success is building an email list. In this article, we'll discuss why building an email list is so important for your affiliate marketing business, but also give you concrete tips on how to actually do it. Because surely you also want to be able to benefit from this cost-effective way of keeping direct contact with your target group in seconds?

Young guy working on computer

Why is it important to build an email list as an affiliate?

Building an email list is an important strategy for you as an affiliate marketer. It gives you the opportunity to build and really deepen the relationships with your target audience. Everything also happens in seconds and unlike, for example, a feed in social media, you don't just scroll past your e-mails. Most people actually look at each individual header and actively choose whether to open the message or delete it. But many times you get a more direct entry to your target audience via email compared to a post in a social media feed. Maybe the algorithm doesn't even show your post in your follower's feed, while the email is guaranteed to land straight in the inbox. Often the email is also accompanied by a notification on the phone and maybe even a ping; an irresistible dopamine rush for the vast majority of people, who immediately stop everything and pick up the phone to check the exciting news. You've probably heard the discussions that e-mail is a little too good at capturing people's attention and thus constantly interrupts people during the work day? Well, that's one of the reasons why you should build your own email list, of course you want to get a part of all that valuable attention!

An email list offers fantastic opportunities to create value for your subscribers and also increases your sales opportunities - and thus income. Read more about how much you can actually earn as an affiliate here. By following the guidelines and steps mentioned below, you can build an effective email list and maximize your results. A well-crafted email list is a long-term investment that can generate continuous organic traffic and sales for you as an affiliate. You are also not dependent on any external platform that may lose popularity in the future!

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Increase your income with an email list

A mailing list is a collection of email addresses of people who have consented to receive communications from you. By building an email list, you as an affiliate can increase your income in several ways:

  1. You build a loyal and engaged audience: By offering valuable content and interacting with your subscribers via email, you can build a loyal and engaged audience that is more likely to purchase the products or services you market as an affiliate. Read more about how to maximize your profit by also choosing the right products.

  2. Promote your products and services: The email list gives you the opportunity to directly promote your affiliate products to your audience. You can send emails with offers, promotions and news about your affiliate products, which can increase your chances of sales and thus increase your income.

  3. Build strong relationships: By sending regular emails to your list, you can build strong relationships with your subscribers. You can provide valuable and relevant content, answer questions and make sure to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. This creates trust and loyalty, which should eventually lead to increased sales and profitability. You rake the arena for future success by constantly building commitment.

Chess player

How to build an email list as an affiliate

Building an email list for your affiliate marketing business is a relatively simple process. However, it requires time and commitment and that you are a little persistent. Here are some tips along the way:

  1. Choose the right platform
    Choose a reliable email marketing platform that suits your needs. There are several to choose from such as Mailchimp, GetResponse and ConvertKit. Compare their features, pricing and user reviews to find the platform that suits you best.

  2. Offer some form of bait
    You will probably have to offer some form of lead magnet to get people to sign up for your mailing list. It could be a free e-book, a checklist, a discount code or anything else that is of value to your target audience.

  3. Market the list in different channels
    Use different channels to promote your email list. Try everything from social media to your blog or YouTube channel. Consider whether there are additional channels where your target audience is active. Use the lead magnet to get people to sign up for your list. Also read more about how you can use social media to increase your affiliate earnings.

  4. Be sure to offer valuable content
    Once people have signed up to your email list, it's important that you continue to offer valuable content to actually keep their interest. Send regular messages, but make sure the content is relevant! You want to create value, not annoy your subscribers. Try to contribute tips or offers that are relevant to your target audience. Read about five other common mistakes affiliate marketers do.

  5. Build strong relationships
    A custom mailing list gives you the opportunity to build strong relationships with your subscribers. Respond to their emails and interact with them in different ways. You want to increase your subscribers' trust in you and your brand in order to be able to increase your sales in the long term and get more - preferably loyal - customers.

  6. Use segmentation
    One of the great benefits of having an email list is that you can use segmentation to send relevant content to different parts of your list. You can segment your list based on such things as interests, behaviors or demographics. You can then easily customize your emails for different groups. Done right, this will increase opening rates but also the propensity to click on your affiliate links.

  7. Use A/B testing
    Be sure to test and optimize your emails. A/B test your subject lines, content, and call-to-actions to see what actually works best. Be sure to continuously improve and develop your emails by leveraging the results of your A/B tests.

  8. Follow data protection guidelines
    When collecting and handling email addresses, it is important to comply with applicable data protection laws, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in Europe. Make sure you have consent from your subscribers to send them emails and offer a clear opt-out option in every email. By following the guidelines, you avoid legal problems, but also build trust with your subscribers.

  9. Measure and analyze
    It is of course important to measure and analyze the results of your email marketing to see what is actually working and what needs improvement. Use analytics tools to measure open rates, click-through rates, conversions and other relevant metrics. Adjust your strategy based on the results.

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Helena Svensson
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