Privacy policy


The short version


Personal information

When visiting as a non-logged in user, we don't collect any personal information. It is first if you create an account that we collect personal information. The very first data we will ask for and store is your email and name (company name for advertisers and full name for affiliates). Your email address will then be used to send you a magic link to login to the Addrevenue portal.

After logging in, in addition to name and email that has already been entered, what we will ask for and store differs a bit depending on your business type. For individuals we will ask for and store personal number/social security number, address, phone. For companies we will ask for and store organization number, name of contact person, address and phone. This informationen is necessary for the payout and payment process.

For Swedish affiliates acting as individuals we partner with Gigapay for payouts. When signing up with Gigapay, you agree to share your name, email address and phone with them. No information entered in Gigapay portal, such as bank account numbers or such as shared back to Addrevenue.

For company affiliates we ask for a payout method, such as bankgiro, plusgiro, bank transfer or for companies outside of Sweden IBAN and BIC. This information is store and is necessary for the payout process. 

As an advertiser you can pay by credit card or invoice. We partner with Stripe and by entering your credit card information we also share your email address and company name with Stripe. The credit card number is not stored, nor shared with Addrevenue. We only see the last 4 digits, that we display in the portal.

When tracking clicks and conversions, we do not store any personal information at all. We do not store IP addresses. If any our advertisers accidently send personal information in their request to us (such as an order ID containing an email address) we will immediately require this advertiser to fix their tracking code, and we will also delete the personal information from our database. We do not store any personal information when tracking clicks or conversions.

Collection process

We only collect data entered by yourself. We do not use any geolocation services or any other third-party services, for any purpose. Our vision is that no personal data should be collected and stored without your knowledge.


As mentioned above, most data we collect is necessary for the payout (affiliates) and payment (advertisers) process. But some data also can and will be used for other purposes, such as names and profile images of affiliates being displayed to advertisers, when applying to their advertiser programs. We always strive to disclose an absolute minimum of personal data to third-parties.


We take IT security seriously. We use SSL to encrypt all traffic on our website. Passwords are store encrypted in our database. Credit card numbers is not stored in our databases at all, only in Stripe. We use as few third-party libraries as possible, to avoid security leaks. We create a lot of custom solutions, always with security on top of mind. While we use our best efforts to safeguard our users’ data, we cannot guarantee that our website will not be subject to malware or unauthorized access ever.

Storage & Sharing

Our servers are located in Sweden. Data is not transferred outside of Sweden, other then served via the browser to users visiting our website. We are using Google Analytics for analytics purposes, but we do not share any personal information such as IP addresses, email, names etc with them.


Opting out & Data subject rights

By creating an account at you give consent to store the personal data you enter. If you want to revoke this consent you can, but that also means that we will delete your account. Hence partnering as an affiliate or advertiser without giving consent for us to store personal data is not possible. If you want us to delete your account, just send us an email to Please note that if we have had prior business together, such as payouts or payments, we are required by law to preserve personal data up to five years.

If you as an affiliate have chosen to add your affiliate channel using one of our social media connections, you have the right to request the complete deletion of the personal data (the name of your channel, link to your profile page, and the number of followers) that was collected by the app, by sending an email to

Contact information

If you have any questions or concerns in regard to your privacy policy, please don't hesitate to contact us at